Sureka Group, 3/1 Dr U N Brahmachari Street, Kolkata 700017 West Bengal, India


Builder Name : Sureka Group

Address : 3/1 Dr U N Brahmachari Street, Kolkata 700017 West Bengal, India

Tel No : +91 33 22871221-24

Email :

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Builder’s Profile

The Group has over three decades of experience in creating landmark buildings. Building with a difference is the Group philosophy. Constructions created with love and labour with an emphasis on quality. Each Sureka landmark carries a little of the Group inside it. They dominate the landscape as symbols of involvement and commitment.

The Sureka Group has made considerable progress towards creating an organization that will endure and prosper far into the future. Severalfactors have contributed to this remarkable record of success, but one that stands above all others: an unwavering commitment to a set

of core values. Zero compromise is the Sureka Group’s belief and all their complexes stand testimony to this. An absolute devotion to customer satisfaction, courtesy, professionalism in everything the Group does.