“How to deal with complicated tenants?”


New Delhi, November 06, 2015: Not all landlords are lucky to get good tenants. It is found that out of every 5 tenants 2 of them create problems. Tenants have the tendency of vandalizing the property or vent out their anger by delaying their rents. Although you are a hospitable landlord, there are chances that the tenants might pose a problem to you while you are giving your flat on rent in Mumbai.

Few of the common problems faced by a landlord who gives their apartments for rent are discussed here and the quick solutions are now just at your fingertips.

Refusal of rent

The most common problem faced by the landlords is the refusal of rents. They also have numerous reasons behind not giving the rent. Unemployment issues, family problems, maintenance cost etc are few of the basic problems the tenants face. It is advisable to communicate properly during these situations. If the landlord also bursts out then chances are high that the tenant will withhold the rent. You can start out a structured payment policy. You can accept partial payment once in a year. Try to set out a strict rental plan. Also set a monthly date and keep a check on it. If the tenant is having a harsh time, then negotiate for a weekly partial payment.

Another useful way is allowing the tenant to stay with roommates. If the tenants stay with the roommates, then he/ she can share the flat or apartment also. It will be easier for them also.

When tenants become party animals!

Tenants becoming party animals and playing loud music or involving in other unsocial activities really pose a problem in the society. It is advisable to contact the police regarding such situation. You can also seek help from the police in dealing with the loudest parties. Try to negotiate with them and if they are not paying attention to your words then take the help of the cops to remove them from your property.

Clearing past due utilities

If the utilities like electricity, gas etc re under your name and the tenant have to make payment monthly then keep a check on it. It is the responsibility of the landlord to keep a track that whether they are paying their bills on time. Many tenants leave the place and then the ignorant landlord notices the due bills.

Sabotaging the property

Many landlords have to bear high cost of maintenance after the tenants’ leaves. I also faced the problem of repairing my whole bathroom as the tenant misused it! So always take a picture of your property before it is on lease and after the tenant moves out of the house. Keep the date of the photograph as it will help you as strong evidence.

If you feel that you still cannot cope up and deal with the difficult tenant then immediately contact with your attorney. It is always advisable to take legal help in difficult situations. Never get scared of the difficult tenants and always remember to deal wisely!


As per the old saying, prevention is always better than cure. And to ward off a costly repair bill at the end of a tenancy, ideally you have to visit your property once in every three months (or hire an agent who does) to run two checks: firstly, that the tenant is keeping it in neat and good condition and, secondly, to see if it requires any maintenance.

By visiting regularly, you’ll also build a good rapport and a friendly relationship with your tenant and it might provide you with advanced warning or precaution of any potential problems that could turn into catastrophes if left unchecked.