President of India inaugurates housing complexes for economically weaker sections under BSUP schemes


New Delhi, December 02, 2017: The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inaugurated housing complexes for economically weaker sections under Basic Services to Urban Poor (BSUP) schemes of Government of Mizoram in Aizawl, today (November 29, 2017).

Speaking on the occasion, the President said that housing for all as well as planning for our urban population, which is growing by the day, is a challenge not just for Mizoram but for the entire country. It is the focus of flagship programmes of the government of India. The meeting of certain milestones in housing for the poor and in building urban infrastructure will help us achieve the goals of New India by 2022, when we complete 75 years as a independent nation. And New India is simply not possible without New Mizoram.

The President said that there is a vitality to Mizo society that is commendable. This state is a role model for the world in terms of peaceful resolution of political disputes. The Mizo Accord of 1986 has been honoured by all sides, and an insurgency situation ended with all stake-holders agreeing to work peacefully for the greater common good of the state and its people. This is a miracle of our times. It gives us an insight into Mizo society – a society of honourable men and women. He congratulated all the people of Mizoram, including the Church and its affiliated organisations, the youth and women’s groups, civil society groups and political parties, for this spirit of fraternity and cooperation.

The President said that the Indian economy is today among the fastest growing in the world. From innovation in agriculture to the digital economy, from manufacturing to the expanding services sector – there are so many good news stories. Young people from Mizoram are very much part of the story. In the IT industry, the hospitality industry and other service sector industries, Mizo boys and girls are making their mark in different corners of the country. And their work is drawing admiration for Mizoram. There is admiration for the education and literacy skills of young Mizos. A literacy rate of 91 per cent – as per the 2011 census – is truly remarkable. There is also admiration for the values, work ethic and professionalism of young men and women from Mizoram.

The President said that we have a lot of hope in the young people of Mizoram. They will build Mizoram’s future and India’s future. And they are the risk takers, the entrepreneurs and job creators who will shape our destiny. The need is to create more opportunities within Mizoram itself. Like the rest of the Northeast, Mizoram is key to India’s Act East Policy. Trade will grow and to everybody’s benefit.

The President noted that Mizoram has so much to offer. Harnessed appropriately, bamboo can be a wonder crop. With value addition, it can be used to create a variety of products and many, many jobs. Horticulture is another area with huge potential. Mizoram grows pineapples and exotic fruit such as passion fruit. These deserve a much wider market. And they deserve a thriving food processing industry locally, which can combine technology with the amazing traditional skills of the Mizo people.