Your home on your phone!


Bengaluru, February 27, 2016: Yes, you heard that right. You can now access the construction status of your under construction apartment or villa, along with the latest pricing, location news and recent developments all at the click of a button, on your mobile phone.

No more taking the time out on weekends to monitor construction progress, working your way through traffic OR asking your relative to look up your home for you. Not that under-construction projects are safe places, anyway.

HOMEDRIFT is a mobile app, available on both Android & iOS, which provides this service for home buyers, free of cost. The founders, Niranjan &Vishal who have been in the real estate space for the last 4 years, and who hail from a technical background having worked for a cumulative 30 years in tech companies themselves, figured this pain for the home buyers early on.

Niranjan says “We’ve had homebuyers often complain about the fact that after booking an apartment, they were left to fend for themselves, as the sales person who was eagerly helping until then, stops picking customer’s calls and the Builder’s CRM team only follows up for payment. So, we decided to something about it and are getting a lot of support from Homebuyers. Getting builders onboard is our challenge, but we’re currently working with some progressive builders who are welcoming the initiative and Homebuyers are reciprocating positively to these Builders by providing a high number of referals”.

HOMEDRIFT has a team of qualified photographers, content professionals and techies who amongst themselves ensure that a homebuyer gets the status as he would have, if he visited the site personally. “There is a lot of specific and relevant information for the homebuyer, like interior and exterior photos of his home, customized payment schedule, price trends of the project, an e-vault with soft copies of all important documents viz. Agreements, Payment receipts, etc.& a verified list of home service providers that can be very handy. The updates even cover the Schools that ply buses in the area” says Vishal.

The service is available in Bangalore & Hyderabad currently. “We’re studying other markets carefully and will soon expand to other cities soon”, say the founders.

The company has received Angel Investment in June 2015, from Gunaranjan, who has interests in Technology, Real Estate & Agri businesses. This has helped them build and roll out the product to about 30 projects and counting, including some reputed names like VBHC Value Homes, Lanco Hills & PEBL, not counting the impressive pipeline of projects coming up.

“We’re doing our bit to bring in transparency and fairplay in the sector and will keep at it by adding newer and exciting features” signs off Niranjan.

Company: WeOwn Services Private Limited

Address: A52, GRV Complex, B.Narayanapura, Bangalore 560 016

Mobile:+91 80500 60099





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