The Empyrean


The integrated township, is planned as an idyllic, green, low-rise, pedestrian-friendly and community oriented neighborhood, with over 100 acres of open and green spaces, equivalent to 20 Olympic size football fields.

At The Empyrean, one has the option of choosing between the Villas, Row Houses and Low Rise – Units called the Courtyard Homes. The Courtyard Homes have 2 Bedroom & 3 Bedroom units – each having a nice terrace area – which is your personal space. Lots of Green spaces surround the Courtyard Homes. 

Empyrean, from the Latin word empyreus, an adaptation of the Ancient Greek, “in or on the fire (pyr)”, properly Empyrean Heaven, is the place in the highest heaven which in ancient cosmologies was supposed to be occupied by the element of fire (or aether in Aristotle’s natural philosophy).