Rajkham Builders, Level:2, New No.105, Arcot Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai – 600 024


Builder Name: Rajkham Builders

Address: Level:2, New No.105, Arcot Road, Kodambakkam, Chennai – 600 024

Tel No : 044-2372 7954 / 2472 4113/4277 2443

Email : sales@rajkhambuilders.com

Website: http://rajkhambuilders.com/

Builder’s Profile

Our presence in the business of flat construction and promotion successfully date back to more than fifteen years of sincere and dedicated hard work with a motto of quality construction and great customer satisfaction.we, feel and cherish that the reputation,reliabilty,quality consciousness,and integrity of us shall remain the foundation for all our flats whereever we have built in and we are to be so. Our successful ventures we have built have cemented our commitment and desire with unique style and substance. An icon of endurance that you can trust upon and will deserve appreciation from your great grand children too!. Every rajkham flat is designed and constructed with luxury, maximum comfort and utility to give you the pride of endurance and true value for your money and to give life long satisfaction and the legacy of your children too would cherish.