Pre-Budget Quote by Mr. Punit Agarwal, M.D & C.E.O, Nirvana Realty

New Delhi, January 26, 2018: The single window clearance and the industry status to the real estate segment, —Punit Agarwal, M.D & C.E.O, Nirvana Realty
“The 2017 budget brought a structure to the disorganized real estate segment to a great extent. However, even after bringing in various reforms there are various policy-related pain areas that sought a solution from the 2018 budget. Policies like the single window clearance, the industry status to the real estate segment, reduction in the GST rate, etc are areas that need clarity for the better functioning of the industry. The real estate market is one of the major contributors to the GDP of the country hence, understanding the problems of the industry and providing solution that is beneficial to the developers as well as home buyers is the need of the hour and we hope the upcoming budget will turn out to be positive for the industry”
Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)