Over 800 delegates to grace NAREDCO’s 14th National Convention & Exhibition in Delhi


 New Delhi, August 31, 2017: Marching ahead propitiously, the real estate sector of India, a global player in the 21st century is gearing up to tap the vast potential of indigenous market. The Government of India being quite enthusiastic about the business growth in the country is seen busy formulating, planning and implementing promising schemes to invite huge investments in the sector.

In such a scenario, National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO), under the patronage of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India will be playing host to the 14th National Convention at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi on August 28-29, 2017. The underlining theme of the event this year is ‘Indian Real Estate – Unfolding the new era of growth’.

The two-day event will essentially delve into various issues concerning real estate sector and invites politicians, bureaucrats, policy makers, experts, leaders, real estate developers, financial institutions, private equity players and eminent personalities to deliberate on the roadmap for the future, with a firm commitment to ensure timely delivery of Projects and each property at the contracted price of sale, without any escalation.

Over 100 speakers holding responsible positions in Government and Private sectors will share the pearls of wisdom acquired through their keen observation, understanding and vision on the relevant topics pertaining to the engaging themes.  The key themes of the sessions include…

  1. Emerging trends and affordable housing in India- Multi-trillion dollar opportunity
  2. States’ policies and participation- Essential for the development of an urban India
  3. Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016- Transforming the Indian real estate landscape
  4. GST- Enabling ease of doing business in India
  5. REITs- Opening doors to funding
  6. PE funds and financial institutions view- Strategies for the next phase of growth
  7. Housing finance and mortgage in India- Enriching lives of the Billions
  8. Adoption of modern technology and innovation- Imperative to overcome inefficiencies

The Convention is designed to be a level-playing platform for different crucial players of real estate sector and others in the non-exhaustive list of 250 allied industries. In fact, over 800 delegates are expected to be a part of NAREDCO’s 14th National Convention, at Delhi. 

In order to further aid to the growth of the real estate sector, a one-day exhibition to display new technologies, products, concepts and materials for the benefit of the participants will also be organised at the same venue.

Mr. Rajeev Talwar, Chairman, NAREDCO, avers, “An oceanic scope to exercise one’s wisdom, unearth the hidden potential and constructively contribute in the real estate sector exists in not distant but near future. The Convention will explore such possibilities.”

Mr. Parveen Jain, President, NAREDCO, said, “National Convention would serve as the right platform to discuss the challenges of the sector, learn from prevailing best practices and evolve ways and means to accelerate the pace of real estate growth in the country.”

The Convention would hence strive to carve a more meaningful and beneficial strategies for all stakeholders in the real estate sector and for much needed boost for its growth.

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)