Hettich Unveils World Class Innovation Centre


Bengaluru 08, Dec 2014:

  • To showcase product innovations
  • First innovation centre in the world

Hettich India Pvt Ltd today unveiled a state-of-the-art Innovation Centre at Cubbon Road Bengaluru. Launched by Dr Andreas Hettich, Chairman & Global CEO of Hettich and Mr Anil Goel, Managing Director, Hettich India Pvt Ltd, this innovation centre is the first of its kind in the world and will showcase the most premium products and applications from the Hettich portfolio.

Hettich Innovation Centre will showcase the most premium fittings, products and their applications in modern furniture design to customers and designers with prior appointment for personalized attention. The Hettich Innovation Centre will also house a team of experts available for consultation on design services to customers and is aimed at giving a touch-and-feel experience to the consumer and to demonstrate the exciting possibilities that Hettich fittings offer.

Speaking at the launch, Anil Goel, Managing Director, Hettich India Pvt Ltd, said, “ Hettich has always been a pioneer in furniture technology focused on ease, convenience and above all, lifelong durability of our fittings. But our work has always been in the background. With the Hettich Innovation Centre, we hope to bring to the foreground the vast range of all that we offer and actually show what our fittings can actually achieve for our customers in the ultimate luxury .”

On why they chose Bengaluru to be the first centre, Goel added, “ This has always been a key market for Hettich. Bengalureans travel a lot; people here are exposed to the best homes and interiors in the world. The average Bengalurean invests early in real estate and takes a considerable amount of effort to research options before doing up his home. So we thought that Bengaluru would be a good city to start from.

Hettich is hoping to start similar such initiatives in the other countries as well in the near future. Dr Andreas Hettich confirmed, “ People around the world are looking for intelligent living solutions and better interior ideas. With the recent surge in the economy and the new government stressing on smart cities and housing for all, India is our most promising market. We are looking at it as a pilot project; we are hoping that we can replicate our learning here in other cities around the world .”

Along with the new centre, Hettich India has also beefed up their design services arm. The company now offers free design and hardware consultation for its customers at their doorstep, where their hardware engineers do on-site visits and offer customized solutions.