Entrepreneur India 2014


Verified Property Workshop is a platform that assists Real estate buyers and investors to make an informed decision and therefore strike a good deal. The Workshop presented by experts, top consultants and leading Developers and Property advisors is an extensive business program aimed at face to face learning by the investors and buyers in real estate market. In real time, it will answer your most daunting questions on real estate.

Verified Property Show 2014 is research backed property exhibition inviting pre approved property developers and brokers. It is a unique approach to infuse trust in a very challenging realty market. The selling and buying of properties is a complex process for new entrants and we plan to bring simplicity and transparency through education. This is the only property event show in India which brings forth all aspects of the real estate industry where interested and prospective investors can have all the latest information about the real estate laws, new properties available for purchase, latest mortgage rates, current market challenges and real estate deals available in the market.
