Coram India showcases its pioneering concepts and coordinated bathroom designs to the members of Indian Institute of Architects


New Delhi. August 2nd, 2013: Coram Indian showcased their pioneering concepts and coordinated bathroom designs at an architect’s meet organized by Indian Institute of Architects(IIA), North Chapter. Members of IIA come together on a regular basis to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession both in Practice and in Education. Coram India who had associated with IIA for this particular meeting was able to create a lasting impression on the large gathering with a visual representation of their bathroom solutions. The company’s coordinated bathroom solutions not only scores high on design and aesthetic aspect but also is highly technologically driven making  the usage of water effective by conserving it to the highest possible level. The IIA members were extremely impressed with Coram’s Coordinated design bathroom solutions and believed that their products will be widely accepted here as Coram products have features and components which highly superior in terms of technology and usage friendliness.

The IIA meeting was a gathering of leading architects Ar.Ashutosh agrawal,Ar.Rajiv Biala who discussed and sought solutions on various aspects.

Mr. Rajnish Ohri, Managing Director, Coram India said, “It was a great honor and a golden opportunity to be a part of the biggest architect body of India. Architects are the ones who can truly comprehend the design, aesthetic and utilitarian value of a product and I was extremely happy to see that our products created an indelible impression on them.  With Indian consumers slowly awakening to the fact that bathroom can be a place to relax and revitalize, I am sure Coram’s coordinated bathroom solutions will become as popular in India as it is in the rest of the world!”

Coram is popular world over for offering the best-in-class coordinated bathroom solutions. For the Indian market they will create a “total experience” by coordinating not only the design language of all the products, but also by integrating user friendliness being driven by need base of the consumer. Unlike others Coram caters to the user by offering one stop solution for all the bathroom needs of the user.

The company also includes the possibility of endless amount of water, whilst at the same time reducing the water consumption. To achieve this, they have launched a new range of Extreme wellness showers. The new generation range of wellness shower come in a closed circuit system that ensures no wastage of water. A powerful pump takes in water from a built-in reservoir; pumps it around the system thus eliminating the need to supply any fresh water at all. This innovative technology provides 5000 litres of shower in 15 minutes by using just 55 litres. The wellness showers are designed in a way to give you a water fall experience with limited use of water thus making total savings on water greater than probably any other existing product in the market.  The company terms this as a ‘GUILT FREE’ experience”. — CCI Newswire