City Guide: FactsAbout Everyday Life & Getting Housed in Bangalore – Vinita Tiwari


Bangalore, September 22, 2014 – Are you someone who is planning to start a fresh life in the silicon city of India, Bangalore? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you are on the verge to spend your entire life in one of the happening, modern and dynamic Indian cities. Bangalore has different facets associated with it; one side will reflect the city as a modern living destination having wide roads, malls and urban zones and then there will be narrow back alleys with low-end markets and stray animals loitering around. Once you are housed comfortable, you will find life easier and merry like you used to live in your previous city.

As a new entrant in the city, you will face certain tangible as well as intangible factors that can have major effects on your life and well-being. Here are some of the factors explored:

1. The Local Climate

You might have heard a lot about the local climate in Bangalore. The climate here in Bangalore is neither too cold nor too hot. The elevated positioning of the city on the Deccan Plateau is also one of the top contributors towards making the weather, extremely moderate and nice. The temperature ranges in between average high of 33 °C to dropping down to 15 °C in winters.

You can expect the monsoon to be a little crazy as it rains cats and dogs during the months of August to October. Even if you are coming from a state or a city that used to give you extreme of temperatures to dwell in; still you will take your own time to adjust to such a topical climate.

2. Population

Bangalore used to be a decently populated Indian city but by the beginning of 1980, employees from different Indian cities and sometimes different nations started flocking the city. Late 1980s saw stationing of various multinational IT corporations and this was one of the foremost factors that affected the migration rate to Bangalore, positively and deeply.

Bangalore in the recent times looks more like an international extravaganza and you as an expat can come across a rich mix of cultures, religions, cuisines and languages.

Now that you have managed to battle out the initial cultural and linguistic shocks, you have to now search for your own nest. Here are some of the easy ways through which you can have access to your home in Bangalore.

Getting Housed the Easier Way

Whenever you move to a new place you have two things in hand; your stuff and a budget. The stuff has to be housed and the budget in hand decides that the house will be rented or bought forever. This is a fact that if you are a first-timer in any city, you tend to go for rented homes as the budget is limited and the money that you have helps you in absorbing the initial settlement related concerns.

Here are some of the immediate steps that you can take:

1. Do Some Prior Homework

Before actually entering the borders of Bangalore, do some initial research at home about rentals or temporary accommodations in Bangalore. Moreover, companies nowadays help you in getting settled in a new city and bear your expenses as well. You are lucky if you have this option in hand.

2. Look Out for Vacant Rooms or Paying Guests Accommodations

Imagine you aren’t lucky enough to get a company that can help you in getting settled. In such cases, you can come to Bangalore and stay back in some hotel or guest houses. You will bet to know about these through local auto drivers or people. While your stay over there, you can access the online space and search for rented options in Bangalore that includes living in PG or independently.

3. Meet the Brokers

They may charge you good but brokers are the people who are in this business real-time. They have been into hundreds of homes, network with people and dealt with clients all their professional life. While you stay at the temporary housing option, go out and meet these brokers, talk to them and invest some time in searching a home of your choice. Depending upon your budget, you can either go for rent or straight away buying a home.

Finding a Permanent Home

Things will definitely change with time and your savings will also improve. As the savings will improve, you will definitely think about buying a home. Bangalore is a nice city and staying there permanently can be a good option. Moreover, the migration rate pertaining to the city is also increasing every quarter owing to mushrooming industrialization and visible urbanization.

Gone are the days when people used to go out in the practical world and search for places. Now it has become easier for people to look out for a perfect home or a temporary accommodation though real estate portals.

The Everyday Life& Few Facts

Bangalore is a dynamic city and reflects a very high degree of urbanization. However, there are always some factors that you should know so that you settle yourself effectively. These are normal episodes that you may face in everyday life. Here are some of them:

  • Don’t Honk! : Road congestion is a major issue, as the city is expected to have the highest traffic density in the country, soon.
  • Yay! Festival Time : Bangalore witnesses an international fair sort of thing. Therefore, religious and national festivals also play an important role in Bangalore. You can have chance to enjoy Hindu festivals, major Muslim and Christian festivals are observed too
  • What do I Eat? :The food may appear monotonous. There will be rice and rice and more of rice. Bangalore’s cuisine is multi-cultural but south Indian stuff will always overpower the everyday food here.
  • The Food Hunt : You may get bored so the best antidote is to search for places where you can enjoy different food items.

Few Last Words

Bangalore is a nice place with a nice weather. Moreover, the Industrialization is giving ample scope for professionals from different other cities to come, work and dwell in here. With little planning and initial homework, you can easily adjust to the living conditions in this city. CCI Newswire