CG Corp Global plans to build 1000 transitional homes, 100 primary community schools in affected districts across Nepal


Pledges NRs 250 million for the rehabilitation work

Partners with PWC India foundation for project monitoring and evaluation and SEED’s India for design and implementation for shelter program

New Delhi, May 08, 2015: As we all know, we are struggling with the aftermath of the massive earthquake. We are thankful for the supportive and positive role played by the media in this situation. In our nation’s history, sometime we come across such scenarios where we can’t limit ourselves to only professional responsibilities. In fact, we all have to rise above our professional responsibilities and join hands to rebuild our nation. Hence, we are gathered here together for the same mission.

After the destructive and massive earthquake that occurred on April 25 2015, everyone was focused on the distribution of rescue and relief aids to the victims. Similarly, Chaudhary Group has been continuously working for the relief distribution immediately from the same day of the massive earthquake i.e. April 25 2015. We mobilized relief camps at the schools operated by our group in 5 different locations of Kathmandu and Lalitpur. Our schools namelyCampion Academy, Campion School, Campion College and Chandbagh Schools were established as relief camps where hundreds of families took shelterand were provided with food supplies over 4 days.

But, these efforts alone were not sufficient for the earthquake victims. Considering the needs and scarcity of foods in different places, we had kept food relief distribution as the highest priority. We have visited and distributed foods items like noodles, bhujia, juices including water at various locations of Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kavre, Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot, Dhading, Gorkha districts. We also arranged group of doctors and health assistant for the above mentioned districts where earthquake victims were provided free check-ups and medicines which was found really effective. We also mobilized in huge numbers tents and solar lamps in affected areas. Chaudhary Group has allocated 30 millions Nepalese Rupees for these relief effort. And till today total expenses on this is approximately 20 millions Nepalese Rupees. We are ready to pledge additional funds till there is adequate supply and accessibility of food items in the affected areas.

Now, our main responsibility is to work on the sustainable post disaster management after this massive earthquake. According to the government data 2,05,052 homes are completely destroyed, 1,86,285 are partially destroyed. Similarly, 575 Schools buildings are completely destroyed, 969 schools are partially destroyed. Children don’t have safe school to go and study. There has been damages of other infrastructures as well. In this scenario CG feel need to contribute support on shelters to the victims who have lost their houses and create enabling environment to allow children to go to school. For this we would like to inform Chaudhary Group will construct 1000 transitional homes own resources. These shelters will be built based on international norms and requirement for post disaster relief shelters.Total amount of NRs. 70 millions is tentative estimated and allocated for construction of 1000 transitional homes.

Whereas, only constructing 1000 transitional homes will not resolve rehabilitation. We understand there are tremendous need for shelters so we would like encourage all the potential interested donor agencies, partners and private sectors join hands in this initiative. We envision that there will be additional 9,000 Shelters built in next 6 months time. Where as, 1000 transitional homes will be solely built by Chaudhary Foundation and for additional 9000 shelter we have pledge NRs 100 millions where interested individuals/ institutions can join hand with us as partners and co developers.

Due to loss of school building there is a huge risk on the future of school going children of affected districts. We are seriously worried that due to lack of required infrastructure for school; there is possibility that children will lose their track and go towards nuisance activities. Hence Chaudhary Foundation pledge to restore 100 community primary schools in those hugely affected districts. The total tentative estimated and allocated amount for this is NRs 50 millions. Definitely rehabilitation of each and every schools should be everyone priority and hope this will encourage other institution/agencies to initiate it.

Thus in total Chaudhary Foundation pledged NRs 250 millions for various projects described here above.

PWC India Foundation is the projects monitoring, process evaluation partners as well as it will bring in its network to add its skills and competency for effective implementation.

Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDs), India having its experience in building transitional homes in India and other infrastructures; will be the project design and implementation partner for shelter program.

In addition, we are most grateful to our other valued partners and business associates who have pledge significant resources in this initiative, even before formal call has been made like Indoram Foundation and Alibaba Foundation.

Media Friends,

Massive earthquake have added challenges to us. We all have our limitation; despite of that we would request all of you to join hands to rebuild our nation together.
CCI Newswire