Builders survey report by Quikr Homes


New Delhi, January 02, 2018: The Indian real estate industry will be reaping the benefits of a reform-driven environment that is improving investor confidence while preparing the grounds for a more organized and transparent sector. We anticipate that investment flows will continue to be healthy as the reforms process in the real estate sector continues and past success stories of healthy returns encourages stakeholders for a bright future outlook. Quikr Homes conducted a comprehensive survey which captures the perceptions and expectations of builders on RERA and GST in order to judge its impact on the real estate market. T h e s u r v e y r e c e i v e d overwhelming responses by as many as 300 participants from the top seven metro cities in India. It highlights the key factors that will shape the Indian realty sector in 2018. We have touched upon aspects that range from regulatory reforms and its impact to FDI to upcoming projects. Lets look at t h e h i g h l i g h t s o f b u i l d e r sentiment towards the realty sector in 2018

82% of the builders believed that RERA will bring in the much needed transparency in property dealing in the days to come and will not only increase the housing demand but also buyers trust. The regulatory environment demands greater accountability from builders and only those who adapt and change shall be able to sustain their business while also improving their chances for attracting private investments. 18% of the builders think that this act will not help real estate sector as projects will not be allowed to launch without the requisite clearances from the government and might end up adding another layer of bureaucracy in the realty sector. Read more

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)