BSEL Infrastructure Realty Limited, 737, 7th Floor, PLot No.2,3 & 4, The Commodity Exchange, Sector-19, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400 705. Maharashtra, India


Builder Name: BSEL Infrastructure Realty Limited

Address: 737, 7th Floor, PLot No.2,3 & 4, The Commodity Exchange, Sector-19, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400 705. Maharashtra, India

Tel No : + 91-22-65123124/ 27844401


Builder’s Profile

BSEL Infrastructure Realty Limited aims at accomplishing zenith standards in real estate, property and infrastructure development with its highly professional approach and technically superior modus operandi. This undoubtedly reflects in our core activities and objectives. The company’s disciplined work culture of unparalleled methodology speaks volume of our analytical approach towards pursuing novel undertakings and establishments, proficient management of funds and varied scientific and commercial facts of several on going and future enterprises.

BSEL Tech Park is BSEL’s maiden venture which will realise this vision.

Company Overview

The company came into existence on 15th Nov 1995 as Bell South Enterprises Limited. On 9th October 1998, the company was renamed as BSEL Information System Limited in order to provide IT Services to the clients we served globally.

The company further grew to be known as BSEL Infrastructure Realty Limited on 26th August 2003 to include various infrastucture development activiites in its manifesto. During the journey BSEL also recieved the ISO 9001-2000 Certification.

With the open market emerging and the Indian Government adopting liberal policies we have witnessed significant growth in infrastructure development resulting into more and more investors participating and benefitting from the new developments. With infrastructure industry making its presence felt stronger day by day, BSEL has taken up Infrastucture development as one of its primary activity and BSEL Tech Park is our first step towards proving ourselves as a global leader.