BlueValley, #4, Nandi Durg Main Road, Jayamahal Extn., Bangalore – 560 046


Builder Name : BlueValley

Address : #41, Nandi Durg Main Road, Jayamahal Extn., Bangalore – 560 046

Tel No : +91-80 2353 5581 / +91-80 2353 5582

Email :,

Website :

Builder’s Profile

Believes in steady growth of the company on the anvil of goodwill and unshakeable trust of the customers. He brims with futuristic vision to add value to customer investments.

An engineer with sharp business acument and visionary initiative coupled with an amazing know-how of land and strategic geography. A constant innovator with an eye for the unusual and the exclusive. Above all, a business man of integrity. His integrity in business practices has made blue valley establish itself as the leading developer of successful townships across Bangalore. His expertise at spotting promising layouts and integrated townships as well as innovative schemes make him a commendable force in the real estate realm.