Quote from Mr. Suresh Hari, Secretary ,CREDAI Bengaluru on Karnataka Budget


New Delhi, 14 Mar, 2015: The 10 th Budget pretension by our Hon’ble CM had a mix of social and economic issues covered. The Real estate did not attract much attention in this budget, though the Industry had made fervent appeal on various fronts.

  • The reduction of VAT on M Sand to 5 % is a welcome step and we had sought help in mitigating sand supply issue.
  • Online registration will bring in more transparency to the system . Since our state is a pioneer in all e-related efforts we do hope the concept is well promoted and reaches its ultimate goal of minimal human interface in this process.
  • The increase on Petrol and Diesel levies will increase prices all commodities including items used in the sector. This is a regressive step.
  • The planned extension of Road width at important areas will enable smoother flow and faster traffic movement.
  • The planned sky walks on PPP model need to be studies. How it will help a common man need to be looked into, since a ppp model always attracts toll/levies.
  • The setting up of 25 waste handling plants is a welcome move and will address garbage related issues, particularly in Bangalore.CCI Newswire