4th Annual Facility and Property Management India Summit 2019


Businesses in India have grown exponentially in the past few decades. India, today is emerging as a favourable destination for all business – both for the well-established and start-up businesses. Business have grown to be more complex. Amidst ever changing business needs, for any business to function smoothly and to be productive, businesses must focus considerable attention to its facility function. The rise in infrastructure, industrial and commercial spaces have contributed in the increased demand for focused facility functions or services.

Here is looking at how to better your organizations facility management function. Exploring the long terms benefits of implementing a sound facility management. Answering some tough questions what are the strategies that can be implemented, what technologies can be incorporated, what polices need to be formulated, the roadmap for tomorrow. 4th Annual Facility and Property Management India Summit 2019 – Come and meet professionals and experts from this domain coming together to discuss ways to develop this sector further.
