Dr Girija Vyas Confers HUDCO Design Awards


New delhi February 18, 2014:-
Dr. Girja Vyas, Minister for Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA)presented  HUDCO
 Design Awards 2013 to winning participants in a function organized by Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) here today.The awards were given away by Dr. Vyas, in the presence of Shri A.K. Misra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India, Shri V.P.Baligar, CMD, HUDCO and senior officers of the Ministry and HUDCO.


In its second year, HUDCO Design Award received overwhelming response from all over the country. The entries were judged by a three-member jury consisting of eminent architect, planners and landscape specialists.  The Jury chose 15 winning entries in total, which included 1st, 2nd and Commendation prize in five categories. There are two winners of second prize in the category “Conservation of Heritage” while in the Category Landscape Planning & Architecture the Jury abstained from recommending second prize. 

HUDCO’s contribution as the premier techno-financial institution in the country is not limited to housing finance but includes various other pertinent initiatives to contribute to the cause of sustainable urban development.  In keeping with this tradition, HUDCO instituted HUDCO DESIGN AWARD in 2012 to give recognition and felicitate innovative ideas and initiatives that contribute to make our cites inclusive, livable and environmentally sustainable. The Award has 5 categories and includes HUDCO DESIGN AWARD trophy, certificate and prize money of Rs. 4.00 lacs (four lacs) and Rs. 2.00 lacs each for First and Second Prize winners respectively in each category.  Commendation Prize contains prize money of Rs. 50,000 each (fifty thousand) each. 




The HUDCO Design Award 2013 winners are:


Category: Cost effective Rural / Urban Housing including Disaster Resistant Housing

First Prize:

q  In Situ Slum Rehabilitation Project for Urban Poor under BSUP, JNNURM scheme at Pune, Maharashtra by Prasanna Desai, Pune.

Second prize:

q  Design of disaster resistant, affordable, green, environment friendly and culturally relevant houses for earthquake affected people of Uri, Jammu & Kashmir byNational Centre for Peoples’ Action in Disaster Preparedness,Ahmedabad.

Commendation Prize:

q  Kairali Tribal Settlement, MukkilpeedikaWayanad Kerala by PKSreenivasanVasthukamThrissur.

Category: New & Innovative Design Solutions / Eco-cities,

First Prize:

Himatnagar Canal Front Development, Gujarat by HCP Design, Planning & Management Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad.


Second prize:

Supratik Township at Nagpur by Beri Urban & Environmental Planners LLP,Pune.


Commendation Prize:

Uttorayon Township, Siliguri by M/s Morphogenesis, New Delhi.


Category: Conservation of Heritage

First Prize: Façade Restoration and Streetscape of the Walled City Bazaars,Jaipur by Development & Research Organization for Nature, Art and Heritage, (DRONAH) Gurgaon.


Second Prize:  

q  Conservation of State Maritime Museum, Cuttack, by Asheesh Srivastava,ANB Consultants, Lucknow.

Conservation of Shri Govindji Temple, Imphal, Manipur by Design Consortium, New Delhi.


Commendation Prize:

Conservation and Reuse for Ghat Ki GuniJaipur by Development & Research Organization for Nature, Art and Heritage, Gurgaon.


Category: Green Buildings

First Prize:

q  MON-Chasha : A Community initiative of Rural Tourism, West Bengal  byAnjan Mitra, The Appropriate Alternative, Kolkata.



Second Prize:

The International Institute for Social Entrepreneurs/Kanthari International,Thiruvananthapuram by COSTFORD, Thiruvananthapuram.


Commendation Prize:

q  Green Spaces Realtors – Office Building at Nashik by VK:e Environmental,Pune.



Category: Landscape Planning & Design


First Prize:

Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Park, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, by MohammadShaheerShaheer Associates, New Delhi.



Commendation Prize:

OTS Nallah, Development Project, Jaipur by Dr. Rajiv Khanna, New Delhi.



On the occasion, a book titled “HUDCO-NASA Design Trophy 2013: Night Shelter for Homeless” was also released by the Dr Vyas .  HUDCO NASA Design Trophy is another initiative of HUDCO that appreciates and encourages innovative ideas among students of architecture by sponsoring a trophy for the competition organized by National Association of Students of Architecture (NASA) on themes, which are contextually relevant.  In the context of the urgent need of adequate and appropriate Night Shelters in Indian cities, the theme for the competition in 2013 was “Region Specific Designs for Day / Night Shelters with Appropriate Use of Cost Effective Indigenous Technologies”. The publication is a compilation of innovative design ideas for Night Shelters by young students of architecture from various colleges across the country.