678 Labourers and Families from Member Projects Celebrate May Day Organized by CREDAI-Bengaluru


Bangalore, May 06, 2018: It is a holiday that is well earned. May Day or Labour Day is universally celebrated as a day to take a break from the monotony of the daily work routine. CREDAI-Bengaluru recognizes that such a day of relaxation is certainly due for all the labourers across its member projects. In light of this, the organization planned a day of fun, games and good food for all labourers and their families, across member projects in the city at Mount Carmel College Grounds, Vasanthnagar. CREDAI-Bengaluru hosted around 678 labourers in this celebration.

Mr.AshishPuravankara, President, CREDAI-Bengaluru says, “Rome was not built in a day; it took millions of man-hours, their perseverance and commitment to the goal. From time immemorial the importance of our labour community has been spoken at great length.
They are pivotal to the growth of any culture, society or a nation. In fact, in our industry, the labourers play the most crucial role, they are the very foundation upon which our brick and mortar dreams get realised. It’s the relentless toil of theirs which act as the perennial source of fuel to keep the industry growth engine moving.

So it is very natural that we set a day aside to acknowledge their efforts not just to our industry but to our nation building. I urge everyone to take a little time off to thank these unsung heroes of ours for their invaluable contribution to our overall growth.”

Mr. Suresh Hari, Vice President, CREDAI Bengaluru said, “May Day or  Labour’s Day is  celebrated on May 1st every year and this is the 8th edition of CREDAI Bengaluru. This gives us the platform to conduct these activities and  we dedicate such day for our labourers, where we recognize their talent through Sports activities which are planned for this day for fun games with food for all and even for their families.

Mr. AdarshNarahari, Secretary, CREDAI-Bengaluru said “Labourers are the people who meet the aspirations of thousands of home buyers by toiling round the clock . This celebration of May Day is a token of our appreciation for all the work they do and of course to their families that support them”

Mr. Anil Nayak, CEO CREDAI Bengaluru said, “May Day celebrations for the construction workers of our Members and their families, is organized as part of our Labour Welfare Initiative. The annual May Day Celebrations is something that our Labours look forward to enthusiastically. It is something that helps them feel part of the family”

“For labourers like us, our lives revolve around the sites we work at. Entertainment outside of the site is not something we can really indulge in. Being able to attend an event like this with the entire family was something we really looked forward to. We also practised intensely for all the competitions. We are grateful to CREDAIfor having thought of something like this for us,” said a labourer Beerlinga from Adarsh Developers.

Activities at the event included sporting events such as , running races – 100 meters and 200 meters, shot put and long jump. The activities for the day were followed by felicitation ceremony, distribution of prizes, Lunch and mementos to participating Labourers.

Prize winners list

Men’s 100 meters race
1st – Prize – Hazmrulla from Greystone (12.81 Sec)
2nd – Prize -Appralhonahagar  from Puravankara (12.91 Sec)
3rd  – Prize -GorajaJamadhar from
Sobha Developers (13.01 Sec)
Women’s 100 meters race

1st – Smt.Bhuvana  fromAdarshDevelopers(16.33 sec)

2nd – SmtSharvaniChala  fromSumadhura(17.35  Sec)

3rd – SmtLakshmi  fromSumadhura (17.37  Sec) 

Men’s 200 Meters Race

1st – GorajafromSobha Developers (26.01 Sec)

2nd – Pradeepkumar   from Total Environment(26.15 Sec)

3rd – Pavan   from Sobha Developers( 26.81 Sec) 

Women’s 200 meters race

1st – SmtSharvaniChala  fromSumadhura

2nd –Smt.Bhuvana  fromAdarshDevelopers

3rd – SmtLakshmi  fromSumadhura 

Men’s Shotput

1st – Randeep  fromTotal Environment(8.60mts)

2nd –RulamShek  fromTotal Environment(8.50mts)

3rd – Eshwar from Brigade Group (8.14mts) 

Women’s Shotput

1st – Kottrammafrom AdarshDevelopers(5.23mts)

2nd – Munnifrom Total Environment(4.71mts)

3rd – Bhagya Lakshmi from Bearys(4.42mts) 

Long Jump – Men

1st – Beeralingafrom  AdarshDevelopers(4.75mts)

2nd –Feroz fromRohanksha(4.70mts)

3rd – Abimanyu from Sobha Developers(4.70mts)

Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)