Categories: Investments

37.5 Lakh Houses Sanctioned Under Pmay- (U) With an Investment of Rs. 2.03 Lakh Crore Jointly From Centre & States/uts

New Delhi, January 01, 2018: Renamed as the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, the erstwhile two separate Ministries dealing with Urban issues were merged to give a new fillip to the Urban Missions being implemented by the Govt. Landmark new initiatives were taken to reenergize with a focus on fast tracking and overcoming implementation issues to ensure time bound completion of the Missions. Urban transport has been accorded high priority in so far as the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid foundation/inaugurated several new metro lines in the country including Kochi, Hyderabad, Delhi, Nagpur and Pune.  A total of nine new Metro Projects have been sanctioned for Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Lucknow, Chennai (Extension), Pune and Noida-Greater Noida and Delhi Metro extension with a total length of about 180 km at a total cost of about Rs. 49,000 crore. Over 37.5 lakh houses have been sanctioned so far under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana with a total investment of Rs.2.03 crores.  Under the Smart City Mission, 90 Cities have been selected in 3 rounds so far and 77 of them have already incorporated Special Purpose Vehicles.  Projects worth Rs.1,35,958 crores in 2864 projects are under various stages of implementation under Smart City Mission to improve urban infrastructure, ease of living and quality of life in urban areas.  Close to 43 lakh individual household toilets have been built and 1977 cities declared Open Defecation Free as part of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban). For the first time, Swachh Survekshan 2017 has been conducted in 434 cities. National Transit Oriented Development Policy has been formulated to promote planned and sustainable urban centres.  For rejuvenation and urban transformation, an Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation(AMRUT) Mission has been launched for 500 cities where 5 transformational reforms have been identified and a provision of Rs.10,000 cores proposed as an incentive for the next three years for implementing these reforms.  To improve sewerage and septage management, 271 projects worth Rs.12321 crores have been awarded.


PMAY /Housing for All/(HFA)-Urban is a Mission to provide HFA by 2022 and is being implemented from 2015. It provides central assistance to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and other implementing agencies through States/UTs for in-situ Rehabilitation of existing slum dwellers using land as a resource through private participation; Credit Linked Subsidy; Affordable Housing in Partnership and Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction/enhancement.

Under the PMAY(U), the total investment from the Centre and States/UTs is approved for Rs 2,03,440 crores. Out of the approved total central assistance of Rs 57,669 crore, Rs 12,916 crores (approx.) have already been released to States/UTs. Interest subsidy of Rs 1,646 crore on housing loans has been credited directly to 81,597 beneficiaries under CLSS(Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme).

So far, 37.5 lakh houses have been approved for funding under the Mission. A number of 17.32 lakh houses have been grounded of which construction of 4.68 lakh houses have been completed since launch of the Mission.

To fast track the construction of sanctioned houses, the Ministry has identified 16 new technologies for mass housing construction and further issued schedule of rates for eight(8) new construction technologies and building materials for adoption among States/UTs. In addition, the Ministry is also organizing Global Housing Construction Technology Challenge (GHCTC) to co-opt internationally acclaimed rapid mass housing construction technologies and to help States/UTs to construct sanctioned houses under PMAY(U) to address housing shortage in the urban areas by 2022.

The newly launched CLSS for MIG (with effect from 01.01.2017) covers two income segments in the MIG viz. Rs.6,00,001 to Rs.12,00,000 (MIG-I) and Rs.12,00,001 to Rs.18,00,000 (MIG-II) per annum. In the MIG-I, an interest subsidy of 4% has been provided for loan amounts up to Rs.9 lakh while in MIG-II, an interest subsidy of 3% has been provided for loan amount of Rs.12 lakh. Housing loans above Rs. 9 lakhs and Rs. 12 lakhs will be at non-subsidized rates. CLSS for MIG will support acquisition/ construction of house (including re-purchase) of 120 square meters and 150 square meters’ carpet area as per income eligibility. Operational Guidelines for CLSS (MIG) have been released on 22.03.2017.

The huge investment of 2.03 lakh crore in housing sector is bringing more job opportunities in construction and allied sectors with the help of induced effect and contributing to overall health of the economy.


            Under the SCM, 90 Smart Cities have been selected in 3 Rounds based on All India Competition. Process is on for the selection of balance 10 cities. Out of the 90 Smart Cities selected so far 77 have incorporated Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).

Under SCM 2,864 projects worth Rs.1,35,958 crore are in various stages of implementation. 148 projects worth Rs.1,872 crore have been completed; work is underway for 407 projects with a cost of Rs.15,600 crore. Further, tendering has started for 237 projects with a cost of Rs.13,514 crore and DPRs are being prepared for 2,025 projects worth Rs.1,02,260 crore. The progress with respect to implementation of projects pertaining to Smart Solutions, Smart Roads, Smart Water, Solar Rooftops, and Visible & Impactful is given below:

  • For Smart Solutions, 13 projects worth Rs. 241 crore have been completed; 43 projects worth Rs. 2,834 crore are under progress; further tenders have been issued for 25 projects worth Rs. 2,756 crore.
  • For Smart Roads, 9 projects worth Rs. 226 crore have been completed; 41 projects worth Rs. 2,070 crore are under progress; further tenders have been issued for 36 projects worth Rs. 3,662 crore.
  • For Smart Water, 8 projects worth Rs. 710 crore have been completed; 17 projects worth Rs. 486 crore are under progress; further tenders have been issued for 20 projects worth Rs. 1,430 crore.
  • For Solar, 7 projects worth Rs. 37 crore have been completed; 22 projects worth Rs. 782 crore are under; further tenders have been issued for 12 projects worth Rs. 117 crore.
  • For Visible and impactful projects, 16 projects worth Rs. 187 crore have been completed; 35 projects worth Rs. 1,569 crore are under progress; further tenders have been issued for 17 projects worth Rs. 1,200 crore.

Value Capture Finance (VCF) Policy Framework was released by the Ministry on 28th February 2017. It is an important tool for generating much needed additional finances required by the States / Cities for funding the infrastructural investments. So far 17 States have already engaged professional firms for preparing the VCF framework. This is expected to help the States generate additional revenue.


            RERA is aimed at preventing diversion of funds and protect the buyers interest and help in curbing black money and speculation- leading to price control.  The Act is aimed at ensuring operations transparent – project information will be available and promote informed choice for buyers.  The disclosure of ‘carpet area’ for sale will curb unfair trade practices.  The Act along with the Rules will ensure timely completion of projects. This will help to achieve the PM’s vision of “HOUSING FOR ALL”. The Agreement for Sale Rules would end one-sided agreements and end consumer exploitation and power asymmetry prevalent in the sector. Indefinite delay in dispute resolution through civil courts will end with fast track dispute resolution mechanism.

A total of 26 States/UTs have notified Real Estate Rules under the Act. 6 States/UTs have established permanent Real Estate Regulatory Authority and 23 States/UTs have established interim Real Estate Regulatory Authority. In Gujarat, permanent Appellate Tribunal has been set up and 10 States/UTs have appointed interim Appellate Tribunal under the Real Estate Act. Further 14 States/UTs have made a fully operationalized web portal for enabling online registration of Real Estate projects and agents. Around 20,000 projects have been registered with the Regulatory Authorities across the country.


            During the year 2017 an additional 1472 cities have been declared as ODF taking the total number to 1977; 42.72 lakh Individual Household Toilets (IHHL) and 2.43 lakh Community and Public Toilet seats (CT/PT) have been constructed. Further, 8 states (AP, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh) and 3 UTs (Chandigarh, Andaman and Daman & Diu) have become ODF.  The Government of India launched the “Swachh Bharat Mission” (Urban) on 2nd October 2014 for 5-year period with the objective of achieving 100% open defecation free (ODF) status and putting in place systems to achieve 100% solid waste management in all 4041 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the country. The estimated cost of implementation is Rs. 62,009/- crore, including Government of India’s share of Rs. 14,600/- crore and State share of Rs 4,874/- crore.

To enable people to easily locate public toilets and give feedback on the same, a major initiatives of mapping all public toilets in the country on Google Maps has been launched. As on date, 13,098 toilets in 35 cities (across 11 states) have been mapped. 


            Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, in order to foster a healthy competition between cities for improving cleanliness standards, conducted Swachh Survekshan survey for the rating of 73 cities in January 2016 followed by ‘Swachh Survekshan-2017’ conducted in Jan-February 2017 ranking 434 cities.  Indore secured 1st rank in ‘Swachh Survekshan’ 2017.  The third round will be conducted from 4th January to 10thMarch, 2018 covering all 4,041 statutory towns in India. The Ministry has introduced several initiatives to inculcate behavioural change, i.e. , a national helpline number – 1969 – has been launched, to address queries from citizens around Swachh Bharat Mission. A ‘Swachhata’ app has been launched as a grievance redressal platform for any complaints from citizens related to cleanliness.  SBM-Urban has introduced an online educational portal where 135 best practices have been uploaded, in the form of training modules. 40,000 Swachhagrahis have been selected across cities, to work with communities. Various multimedia campaigns such as Asli Tarakki (to promote toilet usage and construction), Compost Banao Compost Apnao(for promoting production and consumption of city compost), Har din do bin (to promote source segregation of waste), and Swachh Shouchalaya (to promote responsible usage of public toilets) have been launched.

A massive campaign, namely, “segregation of waste at source”, has been launched with the objective that all ULBs will be practicing source segregation. Currently, 55,913 wards out of 82,607 wards are practicing door to door collection, and 22.99% of waste produced is being processed. Waste-to-Compost (WTC) plants148 Plants are operational with 15 lakh MTPA compost production capacity and 300 Plants with 23.6 lakh MTPA capacity are in progress. Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants-9 Plants are operational with 94.1 MW capacity and 50 Plants with 398 MW capacity are in progress. It has been made mandatory for DISCOMs to purchase WtE power.


            During the last three years, nine new Metro Projects have been sanctioned by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Lucknow, Chennai (Extension), Pune and Noida-Greater Noida and Delhi Metro extension with a total length of about 180 km at a total cost of about Rs.49,000 crore. About 180 km long new metro sections have been opened for commercial operations during the year, making total operational 430 kms across the country in 10 cities.  Metro rail projects of approximately 700 kms are under construction in 12 cities and about 700 kms are under planning by various State Governments.

            Metro Rail Policy- 2017 was unveiled during the year. This policy will fill up the much needed gap for ascertaining and enhancing the feasibility of metro rail projects from economic, social and environmental perspective. It also aims to focus on systematic planning and implementation of metro rail systems and act as a guide to state governments for preparing comprehensive proposals for metro rail projects. This policy will also enable greater private participation and innovative financing through Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Value Capture Finance (VCF). It also provides for rigorous appraisal process. This policy suggests a range of Public Private Partnership models. It focuses on maximizing non – fare box revenues and revenues through commercial developments at stations and other allocated land.

            MoHUA has issued National Transit Oriented Development (TOD) policy on 01.05.2017, which aims to promote planned and sustainable urban centers with high density, mixed land-use development within an influence zone of 500-800 meters of mass transit stations. The policy aims to enable transformation of cities from private vehicle dependent development to public transport oriented development. TOD increases the accessibility of the transit stations by creating pedestrian and Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) friendly infrastructure like footpaths and cycle tracks that benefit large number of people, thereby increasing the ridership of the transit facility and improving the economic and financial viability of the system. Many cities have strengthened their public transport by developing mass rapid transit system (MRTS) such as metro rails and bus rapid transit systems (BRTS). The national TOD policy will help these cities to formulate city specific policies to efficiently use these systems.


            Under NULM, during the last three years, 8,37,764 urban poor have been imparted skill training to improve employment opportunities. Subsidized loans have been provided to 1,74,508 beneficiaries for self-employment through individual or group micro-enterprises. 1,62,285 Self-Help Groups have been formed, 1,02,080 SHGs have been assisted with Revolving Fund and 1,82,836 SHGs have been disbursed loans under SHG Bank Linkage Programme for taking up activities for improving incomes. Street Vendor Survey has been completed in 944 cities and towns. 11,06,929 street vendors have so far been identified and 2,63,524 of them have been given ID cards. 1,263 shelters for urban homeless have been sanctioned out of which construction of 769 has been completed and 658 shelters are operational.

            The scope of NULM has been enhanced to cover all statutory towns and it has been renamed as DAY-NULM. The primary target of DAY-NULM is urban poor, including urban homeless and particular emphasis is laid on mobilisation of vulnerable sections of urban population such as SCs, STs minorities, female-headed households, persons with disabilities, destitute, migrant labourers, and especially vulnerable occupational groups such as street vendors, rag pickers, domestic workers, beggars, construction workers, etc. 


Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) is a Centrally sponsored Scheme for reducing the poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households and is under implementation in the States/UTs since April 2014. The Mission covers all the statutory towns in the country, to be decided by the State/UT as per local need and capability. The primary target of DAY-NULM is urban poor, including urban homeless and particular emphasis is laid on mobilisation of vulnerable sections of urban population.

            During 2017-18 (upto Nov), 1,77,275 beneficiaries have been imparted skill training; of these, 69,255 have been provided wage/self-employment. Loans with interest subvention have been provided to 55,050 beneficiaries for self-employment through individual/group micro-enterprises and 61,779 loans have been disbursed to SHGs under SHG-Bank Linkage Programme. 54,949 Self-Help Groups have been formed, and 44,573 SHGs have been assisted with Revolving Fund.

            Further, during the year, a system of ranking of states and cities named as SPARK (Systematic Progressive Analytical Real-time Ranking) has been put in place by the Ministry to infuse competitive spirit amongst the States and cities.  Personalised After-training Rapid Assessment System (PARAS) has been launched by the Ministry to seek feedback regarding skill training directly from the beneficiaries. Also, mid-term evaluation and impact assessment of the Mission has been initiated. Memorandum of Understanding has been entered into with UrbanClap for placement of skill-trained candidates in high-demand sectors in sixteen major cities in the country.

            Under DAY-NULM, since April 2014 to Nov 2017, 10,15,039 urban poor have been imparted skill training to improve employment opportunities and of these, 3,17,935 persons have been provided wage/self-employment. Loans with interest subvention provision have been provided to 2,33,951 beneficiaries for self-employment through individual/group micro- enterprises and 3,29,257 loans have been disbursed to SHGs under SHG-Bank Linkage Programme. 2,45,215 Self-Help Groups have been formed, 1,71,192 SHGs have been assisted with Revolving Fund. Street Vendor Survey has been completed in 1980 cities. 15,94,242 street vendors have so far been identified and 5,74,049 of them have been given ID cards. 1,331 shelters for urban homeless have been sanctioned and 789 shelters are operational.


            AMRUT launched in June 2015 for 500 cities has achieved significant milestones during the year 2017.  From 2017 onwards, a set of 5 transformational reforms have been identified and enhanced provision of Rs.10000 crores is proposed as reform incentive for the next three years.

            The thrust areas of the Mission are Water Supply, sewerage & septage management, storm water drainage, Green Spaces & Park, Urban Transport: NMT, Reforms management, and Capacity Building.  The Mission focuses on development of basic urban infrastructure in the Mission towns with the following expected outcomes: (i) Universal (100%) coverage for access to clean drinking water for every household in 500 cities; (ii) Substantial improvement in coverage and treatment capacities of sewerage; (iii) Development of city parks; (iv) Reform Implementation and (v) Capacity Building. Against the total plan size of all the State Annual Action Plans (SAAP I, II & III) of Rs.77,640 crore, 50% (Rs.39,011 crore) has been allocated to projects related to Water Supply, 42% (Rs.32,456 crore) has been allocated for Sewerage & Septage projects, 4% (Rs.2,969 crore) towards Drainage projects, 2% (Rs.1,436 crore) has been allocated for Non-motorized Urban Transport and 2% (Rs.1,768 crore) has been allocated for green spaces and parks. Mission targets to build capacities of 45,000 ULB officials and elected representatives in the field of urban development. Further, 30 institutes of national repute are empanelled under this program.

The progress in implementation of the Mission is as under:

  • In thewater supply sector, contracts for 472 projects worth Rs.18,884 crore have been awarded and 24 projects worth Rs.6.96 crore have been completed. NITs have been issued for 145 projects worth Rs.6,029 crore and DPRs for 250 projects worth Rs.5,384 crore have been approved.
  • In thesewerage and septage management sector, contracts for 271 projects worth Rs. 12,321 crore have been awarded and 3 projects worth Rs. 4.71 crore have been completed. NITs have been issued for 81projects worth Rs. 5,862 crore and DPRs for 99 projects worth Rs. 3,300 crore have been approved.
  • In thedrainage sector, contracts for 42 projects worth Rs. 566 crore have been awarded and 9 projects worth Rs. 3.68 crore have been completed. NITs have been issued for 33 projects worth Rs. 524.65 crore and DPRs for 157 projects worth: Rs. 837.15 crore have been approved.
  • In theurban transport sector, contracts for 72 projects worth Rs. 223 crore have been awarded and one project worth Rs. 0.09 crore has been completed. NITs have been issued for 56 projects worth Rs. 374 crore and DPRs for 90 projects worth Rs. 232 crore have been approved.
  • In thegreen spaces and parks sector, contracts for 749 projects worth Rs. 466 crore have been awarded and 178 projects worth Rs. 139 crore have been completed. NITs have been issued for 431 projects worth Rs. 364 crore and DPRs for 458 projects worth Rs. 330 crore have been approved.

So far, work on 215 projects worth Rs. 156.64 crore has been completed.


  • City HRIDAY Plans amounting to Rs. 400 crore for all the 12 cities identified under the scheme have been approved by HRIDAY National Empowered Committee (HNEC). The City HRIDAY Plan includes gap analysis for identified zones and proposed shelf of projects to be undertaken under Scheme HRIDAY.
  • 64 projects amounting to Rs. 420.44 cr. for the 12 HRIDAY Cities have been approved so far under the scheme out of which Rs.230.45 cr has been released.
  • Project implementation has begun in all 12 cities. The execution at ground level had commenced for 75% (47 out of 64 projects) of projects and contractor selection is at advance stage for remaining 22% (14 out of 64 projects). Total progress physical of the scheme so far is around 28%.
  • A Project Monitoring and Supervision Unit (PMSU) has been established in each city consisting of Government nominated Engineers, HRIDAY City Anchors and representatives of DPR preparation agencies to regularly review the progress of implementation of projects.

Following are some major HRIDAY projects in progress: 

  1. a)Amritsar: – Comprehensive road development and up-gradation of 21 major roads leading to Golden Temple – Rs. 31.99 crore
  2. b)Varanasi: – Development of 24 Roads leading to various Heritage Sites – Rs.29.89 crore
  3. c)Varanasi:- Implementation of Heritage Sensitive Infrastructure for LED Street Lighting at Old Kashi Zone – Rs. 26.50 crore
  4. d)Warangal: – Bhadrakali Lake Foreshore Development – Rs.14.94 crore.
  5. e)Ajmer:- Annasagar Lakefront Up-gradation at Ajmer – Rs.11.69 crore


Extension of protection provided to unauthorised developments

The National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second (Amendment) Bill, 2017 was passed by the Parliament during its Winter Session  to extend the provisions of the National Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Second Act, 2011  for a further period of three years from 1st January, 2018 to 31stDecember, 2020.   The said Act of 2011, provides protection from punitive action to certain forms of unauthorised developments till formulation of policies/guidelines/feasible strategies for their orderly arrangements.

Sanction of projects under Urban Development Fund

The following projects with a UDF funding of Rs 1164.59 crores were sanctioned and includes –

  1. i)Rehabilitation of Peripheral Sewar Lines in Delhi  (Rs 186.06 crore)
  2. ii)Integrated Transit Corridor Development (Rs 738.53 crore)- foundation laying ceremony by Hon’ble Vice President held on 22.12.2017.

iii)           Solid Waste Management in Delhi ( Rs 240.00 crore)

   Projects funded through UDF where foundation laying has been held during 2017:

  1. i)Construction of skywalk and FOB at the junction of Sikandara Road, Mathura Road, Tilak Marg and Bahadur Shah Jafar Marg at ‘W’ point near Hans Bhawan – foundation laid by Hon’ble MoS(IC), HUA on 9th November, 2017.  The project cost is Rs 54.34 crore and 80% of the cost i.e, Rs 43.47 crore is funded through UDF.  The project is expected to be compete by March, 2018.
  1. ii)Construction of Flyover-cum-RoB on UER-1 at Narela- foundation stone laid on 12.2017.  The project cost is Rs. 437.21 crore out of which Rs 349.77 crore is through UDF and the balance of Rs 87.44 crore is DDA’s contribution.


DDA is on course to achieve complete digitization of its land records.  An RFP for this is already issued.

  1. i)In-situ redevelopment of Kathputli colony

This work on this  long pending project for in-situ development of Katputli colony near Shadipur Depot in West Delhi has commenced during 2017 in conformity with guidelines of PMAY-Urban.   2800 EWS flats will be constructed to re-habilitate the jhuggi dwellers on in-situ basis by the developer entity on PPP mode. The construction will be completed by the end of 2019.  The eligible dwellers have been shifted to transit camp Anand Parbat and Narela, as per their entitlement. After redevelopment of Katputli colony the eligible dwellers will be allotted EWS houses and shifted back from transit camps.

  1. ii)Housing Scheme-2017

DDA launched for the Housing Schemes-2017 and draw for allotment for about     12617 flats of different categories in various localities was held on 30.11.2017. 


  1. i)Pursuant to the Cabinet decision, the NBCC has acquired 51% of Hindustan Steel Works Construction Ltd (HSCL)’s share capital by investing Rs 35.70 crore and HSCL has become a subsidiary of NBCC w.e.f.  01.04.2017.   Accordingly, the Share Holding Agreement (SHA) was signed by four parties on 22.12.2017, namely, Secretary, Ministry of Steel, Secretary, MoHUA, CMD NBCC and CMD HSCL, in the presence of Hon’ble Minister of Steel, Hon’ble MoS(IC) Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and Hon’ble MoS (Steel).  After signing the SHA, the shares held by M/o Steel (49%) have been transferred to MoHUA.

Rajghat Samadhi Committee (RSC)

Various works were undertaken including the works of installation of CCTV cameras at RSC complex, display of information about Gandhiji and Rajghat Samadhi at the entrances of the Samadhi, renovation of old structures, installation of solar power system, installation of LED lights, display of ‘Amrit Vachans’ of Gandhiji.  All these works were inaugurated by the then MoHUA on 30.01.2017.  Honble Minister also released the special issue of Rajghat Samadhi Patrika on ‘Champaran’ on 30.01.2017.


            The Government’s construction major, Central Public Works Department(CPWD) has undergone a major digital transformation enabling payments of around Rs. 20,000 crore per year electronically.  This has been done by networking all the 400 field offices of CPWD across the country through a special integrated portal ensuring digital payments.  With this, CPWD has become the first organization of a civil ministry to become digital at the field level.  CPWD executes over 15,000 project works by its 400 field offices spread across the country including in remote, hilly and north-Eastern parts.

The Office of Chief Controller of Account has evolved this special Public Financial Management (PFMS) module for CPWD which has been developed by PFMS team of Controller General of Accounts, MOF.  It enables real time monitoring of expenditure in respect of each of the CPWD projects.  Electronic Measurement Book (e-MB) has also been developed for CPWD that enables reporting of physical progress of works online as per the schedule of agreement with contractors based on which payments will be made.  This is being  made mandatory doing away with manual reporting by all the 400 field offices.


            As per CPAO database, MoHUA had to revise 41,910 pension cases of pre-2016 as per 7th CPC out of which 40,027 cases have been revised and submitted to CPAO. The balance cases left include pensioners who are drawing minimum pension and the same may not result in upward revision.

To achieve this target within the stipulated time i.e November 2017, a comprehensive strategy was adopted which included holding regular meetings with CPWD and other stake holders, personally contacting a large number of pensioners whose records were not available vide sending SMS on their mobiles, contacting on their telephones, writing letters to them, etc. was adoptedM/oHUA is the first major Ministry to complete revision of pension cases.

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