Ashiana Housing’s Active Senior Living Residents celebrates International Women’s Day with a Surprise “Senior Citizen Flash Mob”


Active Senior Living residents, performed on retro numbers at Select City Mall Saket

New Delhi, Mar 10, 2015: On International Women’s day, the residents of Active Senior Living Bhiwadi – a retirement housing project by Ashiana Housing Limited has organized a flashmob as a token of their tribute towards the women hood. Approx 40 senior citizens including 35 women all from Utsav Active Senior Living Bhiwadi, celebrated the International Women’s Day with a message that there is a life after 60 and they have true spirit to celebrate it every day


As the song started, the elderly couple trickled in to join the flash mob. Weak knees and walking sticks were left behind when it comes to dancing on retro numbers. After this age when people are not even able to walk, our silver citizens showed some electrifying steps in public, and motto was only one “Celebrating Life”

Life is made up of many different phases. As we grow we experience new things and learn from all the good-bad experiences, so why not treasure some finest moments, we can, said one of the participants woman.

Ms Amita Shah, one of the residents who is behind this idea said, “The objective of this flashmob is bring in light the lives of those around us who we at times neglect and who themselves are often hesitant to come in light due to various reasons. This is a step taken to make everyone, irrespective of their age, realize the awesomeness of the old age.”

Until the time one reaches the old age, he/she has seen and been through a lot and can be considered experienced. But unfortunately that is not how it happens here. “Most of the seniors in our country are of the mind-set that from the moment they reach the retirement age the value of their life starts decreasing. They usually think themselves as a burden over their own children and start waiting for life to end by keeping themselves in oblivion. “

“They fail to realize, how precious these golden years of life are. This is the time when you have so much spare time yet nothing much to do.” said another member in the flash mob.

“We understand the old age as a birth of the new being plus a bonus of the experience we have gained throughout our life , added Ms Shah.

Ms Shah added “The motive that we have in mind behind this exercise is that seniors, however old they are, shouldn’t refrain themselves from the fun and the activities they used to do when they were younger.”

Diabetes, arthritis, heart disease – nothing dissuaded the dancers from their spot of fun.

The flash mob has been conceptualized by M&A in association with Select City walk to bring in light the lives of those around us who we at times neglect and who themselves are often hesitant to come in light due to various reasons. This is a step taken to make everyone, irrespective of their age, realize the awesomeness of the old age. CCI Newswire